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Affinity Assisted Living

Where Elegance Meets
Exceptional Care

Where Elegance Meets
Exceptional Care


Limited Independence

Many seniors struggle with reduced independence as they age, affecting their quality of life and self-esteem.

Memory Loss

Seniors dealing with Alzheimer’s or dementia require specialized care and support to maintain cognitive abilities.

Poor Nutrition

Maintaining a well-balanced diet can be challenging for seniors, impacting their overall health and well-being.

Social Isolation

Lack of social interaction can lead to feelings of loneliness and can negatively impact seniors mental and emotional health.

Finding the Right Care Provision

When complete independence is no longer practical, many elderly people require additional care. Sometimes this care can be provided by family members, but this can place a lot of strain on the caregiver in terms of balancing this with work and other family responsibilities.

Difficulty with everyday tasks and mobility

A person’s mobility and dexterity will naturally decline as they age, which makes completing everyday tasks more difficult. This can gradually cause people to care for themselves and prevents them from being social, pursuing interests, or taking part in activities they enjoy.


Personalized Care

Tailored approach to meet unique needs of each resident.

Memory Care

Establish routines, provide a safe environment and seek support from healthcare professionals and support groups.

Nutritious Dining

Focus on a well-balanced diet with sufficient protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Consider the individual’s preferences and any dietary restrictions.

Social Interaction

Creating opportunities for social interaction and encouraging participation in daily activities to help combat loneliness.

24/7 Care and Supervision

Round-the-clock assistance with daily activities, medication management, regular evaluations and adjustments to the care plan.

Comfortable Living Environment

Create a safe and comfortable living environment, considering any mobility or accessibility issues. 


At Affinity Assisted Living, we take pride in providing a wide range of services designed to meet the unique needs of our residents. Our dedicated staff is committed to ensuring that each resident receives the care and support they require to live a fulfilling and comfortable life.

Contact us to learn more about how our services can benefit you or your loved one.